Part # : RRNH125-10
Diameter : 10 mm
Hoist Type : NH125
This rope guide is for a Hvilans NH 125 hoist
This rope guide is precision made from zinc-aluminum alloy and stainless-steel parts, while original Hvilans rope guides are made from cast iron. You’ll find these after-market rope guides hold up comparably well to the rigours of continuous and heavy lifting.
Our line after market rope guides are often more affordable than OEM cast iron rope guides.
When manufacturing this rope guide, we first cast it in zinc-aluminum alloy. Once cast, the rope guide is machined to be compatible with the original equipment manufacturer’s exact dimensions, and will meet or exceed the OEM rope guide’s design specifications.
Also, our rope guides can be adjusted to perfectly fit your hoist drum, and as the rope guide wears, you can continually readjust the rope guide to prolong its life.
The mechanical properties of the zinc-aluminum alloy used to make this rope guide ensure that it’s light weight while still having durability comparable to that of cast iron. Additionally, rope guides manufactured from zinc-aluminum alloy considerably minimize the probability of drum wear, a common occurrence with cast iron rope guides.